5 minute read

I often use the Proximal Gradient Descent (PGD) method as my starting point for solving regularized optimization problems. This method is very simple to implement; it allows to generate a baseline that “just works” before using smarter and more complicated methods.

Suppose you have an optimization problem

\[\min_x f(x) + R(x)\]

where $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$, $f(x)$ is smooth and $R(x)$ is not, but it’s "simple enough". The former normally includes the likelihood function, whereas the latter represents regularization terms.

This setup can be solved via a simple first-order iteration:

\[x^+ = \text{prox}_{\alpha R} \left[x - \alpha \nabla f(x)\right]\]

where $\alpha$ is a sufficiently small step-size.

The question is, how do we derive the proximal operator for a given $R$? Below I provide the derivations for three most common regularizers: LASSO, A-LASSO, and SCAD. Some of them, like SCAD, are particularly hard to find in literature in a form that is accessible to Ph.D. students like me.

Separability of Proxes

First, recall that if $R(x)$ is separable by the coordinates of $x$, then we can evaluate its proximal operator by applying its coordinate proxes element-wise: \(R(x) = \sum_i r(x_i),\, x \in \mathbb{R}^n \implies \text{prox}_{\alpha R}(z) = [\text{prox}_{\alpha r}(z_1), \dots, \text{prox}_{\alpha r}(z_n)]\)

All regularizers in this article are separable, so we only need to derive a scalar function $\text{prox}_{\alpha r}(z)$, $z \in \mathbb{R}$, which is considerably easier task to do.


For a scalar variable $x \in \mathbb{R}$, SCAD-regularizer is defined as \(r(x) = \begin{cases} \sigma |x|, & |x| \leq \sigma \\ \frac{-x^2 + 2\rho\sigma |x| - \sigma^2}{2(\rho - 1)}, & \sigma < |x| < \rho\sigma \\ \frac{\sigma^2(\rho + 1)}{2}, & |x| > \rho\sigma \end{cases}\)

To evaluate the $\text{prox}_{\alpha r}$ operator we need to solve the following minimization problem:

\[\min_{x} r(x) + \frac{1}{2\alpha}(x - z)^2\]

To identify the set of stationary points ${x^*}$ of a non-smooth function $f(x)$, we use the sub-differential criterion of optimality:

\[0 \in \partial_x f(x^*)\]

where $\partial_x f(x)$ denotes a sub-differential set of $f$ at the point $x$. Application of this criterion to the our minimization problem yields:

\[0 \in \frac{1}{\alpha}(x^* - z) + \partial r(x)_{x = x^*}\]

Since $r(x)$ is piece-wise defined the precise value of $\partial r(x)_{x = x^{*}}$ will depend on $x^{*}$:

  1. Let $0 < x^{*} \leq \sigma$, then we have $\partial r(x)_{x = x^*} = {x^{*}}$ and so

    \[x = z - \sigma\alpha, \quad z \in [\sigma\alpha, \sigma + \sigma\alpha]\]
  2. Let $-\sigma\alpha \leq x^{*} < 0$, then we have $\partial r(x)_{x = x^{*}} = {-x^{*}}$ and so

    \[x = z + \sigma\alpha, \quad z \in [-\sigma - \sigma\alpha, -\sigma\alpha]\]
  3. Let $x^{*} = 0$, then $\partial r(x)_{x = x^{*}} = [-1, 1]$, which yields

    \[\frac{1}{\alpha}(x^* - z) \in -\sigma[-1, 1]\]


    \[x^{*}\in z + [-\sigma\alpha, \sigma\alpha]\]

    Given that $x^{*} = 0$, it provides us with the condition on $z$:

    \[z \in [-\sigma\alpha, \sigma\alpha]\]
  4. Let $\sigma < x^{*} < \rho\sigma$, then $r(x)_{x = x^{*}} = \frac{-{x^*}^2 + 2\rho\sigma x^{*} - \sigma^2}{2(\rho - 1)}$, which gives us

    \[\frac{1}{\alpha}(x^{*} - z) = \frac{x^{*} - \rho\sigma}{\rho - 1}\]

    To ensure that the stationary point is indeed a minimizer, we need to ensure that

    \[\frac{1}{\alpha} - \frac{1}{\rho - 1} > 0\]

    which implies that $\alpha < \rho - 1$. Since $\alpha$ is normally equal to the product of the regularization coefficient $\kappa$ and the step-size of PGD, it places a practical restriction on the latter. However, given that $\rho > 2$, this constraint boils down to the step-size being smaller than $1/\kappa$, which is a part of a well-known Lipschitz restriction for a step-size of Gradient Descent algorithms.

    Rearranging the terms to express $x^{*}$ as a function of $z$ we get the value of prox minimizer:

    \[x^{*} = \frac{(\rho - 1)z - \lambda\rho\sigma}{\rho - 1 - \alpha}\]

    Flipping this expression back to $z$ being a function of $x^{*}$ we get

    \[z = \frac{x^{*}(\rho - 1 + \lambda) + \alpha\rho\sigma}{\rho - 1} \in\left[\frac{\sigma(\rho - 1 - \alpha) + \alpha\rho\sigma}{\rho - 1}, \frac{\sigma\rho(\rho - 1 - \alpha) + \alpha\rho\sigma}{\rho - 1} \right]\]

    which, after algebraic simplifications, becomes

    \[z \in [\sigma + \alpha\sigma, \rho\sigma]\]
  5. Let $-\rho\sigma < x^{*} < -\sigma$, then, similarly to the previous case, we get

    \[\frac{1}{\alpha}(x^{*} - z) = \frac{x^{*}+\rho\sigma}{\rho - 1}\]

    where the sign of the second term in the denominator changes due presence of absolute value. Rearranging the terms to express $x$ in terms of $z$ we get:

    \[x^{*} = \frac{(\rho - 1)z + \lambda\rho\sigma}{\rho - 1 - \alpha}\]

    Rearranging the terms to express $z$ in terms of $x^{*}$, and using that $-\sigma\rho < x^{*} < \sigma$ we get

    \[z \in [-\sigma -\alpha\sigma, -\sigma]\]
  6. Finally, when $|x^{*}| \geq \sigma\rho$, we have $\partial r(x)_{x = x^{*}} = {0}$ and so

    \[x^{*}= z, \quad |z| \geq \sigma\rho\]

Bundling all six cases together we get

\[\text{prox}_{\alpha r}(z) = \begin{cases} sgn(z)(|z| - \sigma\alpha)_+, & |z| \leq \sigma(1+\alpha) \\ \frac{(\rho - 1)z - sgn(z)\rho \sigma\alpha}{\rho - 1 - \alpha}, & \sigma(1+\alpha) < |z| \leq \rho\sigma \\ z, & |z| > \rho\sigma \end{cases}\]

As a sanity check, substituting $\alpha = 1$ we get a classic result by Fan et. al. (2001).


A-LASSO regularizer is defined as

\[r(x) = w|x|\]

where $w$ is normally defined as $1/|\hat{x}|$ where $\hat{x}$ is the parameter value from the solution of a non-regularized problem. It was introduced by Zou, et. al. (2006). For the purposes of deriving the proximal operator of A-LASSO, $w$ is a constant and positive scalar value.

The derivation of the proximal operator of A-LASSO nearly matches the steps 1, 2, and 3 that of SCAD above. We wish to evaluate

\[\min_{x} w|x| + \frac{1}{2\alpha}(x - z)^2\]

as a function of $z$.

The sub-differential optimality criterion yields

\[0 \in \frac{1}{\alpha}(x^{*} - z) + w\partial |x|\]
  1. Let $0 < x^{*}$, then we have $\partial r(x)_{x = x^{*}} = {x^{*}}$ and so

    \[x^{*} = z - \alpha w, \quad z > \alpha w\]
  2. Let $x^{*}< 0$, then we have $\partial r(x)_{x = x^{*}} = {-x^{*}}$ and so

    \[x^{*} = z + \alpha w, \quad z < -\alpha w\]
  3. Let $x^{*} = 0$, then $\partial r(x)_{x = x^{*}} = [-1, 1]$, which yields

    \[\frac{1}{\alpha}(x^{*} - z) \in [-w, w]\]


    \[x^{*} \in z + [-\alpha w, \alpha w]\]

    Given that $x^{*} = 0$, it yields the condition on $z$:

    \[z \in [-\alpha w, \alpha w]\]

Combining all cases together we get

\[\text{prox}_{\alpha r}(z) = sgn(z)(|z| - \alpha w)_+\]


LASSO is a particular case of A-LASSO above when $w = 1$.